Friday, February 5, 2010

Marine Shower Curtains

But you were not to arrive tomorrow? Cruise on the River Cemetery

Tomorrow we should embark Dario and Lucia for a cruise of ten days . The boat is ready and this morning we got up early in the sea to reach Narganà to supplement supplies.

The wind is good and smooth ride when the phone rings.

"Hello, I am Darius, we have arrived!"

But you were not to arrive tomorrow?

"Ehhh, I'm wrong but never mind, take a hotel"

Perdindirindina! But which hotel? We're not in Panama City!

Wait, we are at sea. Speed \u200b\u200bup and we pick!

few minutes and Aquarius says all its sails and is at full speed towards Narganà sling, which is about thirty miles.

We sail fast wind driven by a beautiful wide-hauled and a little after noon we bottom of the bay.

I rushed down with the boat and the arrival of Darius I find that the smile with his Venetian accent told me he had been mistaken and that in fact had a flight booked for tomorrow but having arrived at the airport this morning at six o'clock had asked to leave anyway ... and here they are!

Not bad. We did it! We have lunch all the Nali's bar with a nice grilled chicken with french fries ... and the cruise begins!



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