Get Color! No. 7, God rests, Foolica no!
Final event of the 2009-10 season for the monthly event organized by Foolica Records all'ArciTom.
Triple appointment last night of the season. They open the Veronese Antenna Trash with sounds from the post-wave electro with African grains, a demo and a lot of press attention on the assets, which considers them watchlist.
After heating will go up on stage in Piazza Scala Benetollo the No Seduction: project refined enough to be easily resizable only to sophisticated electro-punk and the point of being able to be compared to new wave, the use of voice there are many references to David Byrne in the period Talking Heads. "SPUPPA" ep released in the free download, has five pieces that make the good intentions of the trio of Chioggia. Spend money, stay cool a poster!
To close the evening, a hot DJ set Enver (Enrico Veronese), eclectic indie journalist (Blow Up, Unity), a prominent blogger ( Italian Embassy ) and football analyst. Friday
'Arcitom May 7, 2010, Piazza T. Benetollo 1. opening at 22.00, concert starts 23.00 on
Listen and download some free tracks of NO SEDUCTION:
Watch the video SPEND MONEY, STAY COOL :
Play a dj set of Enver :
Fried Eggs by enver