Voyage ... Jamaica!
We are about 50 miles west of Cartagena. We have spent the last two days pulling edges close-hauled against a sea hard and annoying and now the wind has shifted to the North by allowing us to make a stunning direct route to Martinique.
take advantage of this situation until dusk when a security strategy requires us to divert to the other border.
Indeed, so continued 'we came within a dozen hours in the influence of the "acceleration zone" where the wind increases by about 50% and the sea becomes steep and impassable for the effect of katabatic winds pushed the sea from the peaks of the Andes mountain range that goes up here on the coast with peaks of 5000 meters.
whole area between Cabo de la Vela and the Rio Magdalena is considered one of the five worst passages around the world and we come in, especially against the wind, be prepared to undergo his choice.
Viriamo and the route is next to the northwest, almost takes us back to Jamaica. Depressing!
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