Friday, December 31, 2010

Physics Of Loop Antenna

to you that you're everything.

I do not know the words.
I would love to know that you look into your eyes and say all the things that we ourselves have remained suspended in a deafening silence. All those little things that are created by joining the wall that separates us now, we can not throw down.
I would be able to understand you, but not only, as well as I understand you protect you and let you know that I'm always here for you, I would give their lives to save yours.
I've ever seen get tired in the evening, sitting at that kitchen table and collapsed on the sofa after a day of hard work. Do not believe everything that has gone unnoticed. True, when I was a child I did not understand these things, I could not understand the weight on his shoulders to carry a family and a house, while outside the world goes mad. The
not want to miss anything. The desire to see your children grow up without deprivation. I know, although I do not have children yet. Even if they are not mother. I'm just your daughter. The daughter of a man who gave everything and continues to do so for the sake of others, never for himself, never first. I needs of others are becoming increasingly important. You are the typical "nice guy", what day today is never encountered. You are the man who taught me that life can be sacrificed, but it's worth the sacrifice if it brings peace to those you love.
You are what you could destroy me with a word or let me touch the sky with a finger. What I wanted to imitate a child, but growing up I did not know where to give due credit. Never a thank you or I love you. I wish I had done more, I would say avertelo knew or at least be sure that you know that I love you, I would not for anything other than a father to you, even when we fought, even when the silence became heavy and were made boulders, even when we did not agree and I lifted up my voice while you remain silent.
Even in those moments I loved you. I wish I could say many things, but I only write them. Do not you taught me something important, Interior feelings.
I do not want the words remain in my throat, I do not want it's too late to tell you that I am proud to have a father like you, with your thousand faults, which on closer inspection are also mine.
I just want to have endless time to spend with you, and one day become a person who makes you proud to be a father, someone you can admire. If what I am now, if I have respect for others and bring inside some education too sentimental, know with certainty that I owe everything to you and Mom. I love

Monday, December 27, 2010

Free Skin Windows Blind :wba

Ringhio and Tapparotta

Oooh we're back from holidays, no, for many are far from over, I will limit myself to just celebrate Christmas and Boxing Day and then back to work, and even more than before.
Two days of family, relatives (even those who never see you and suddenly appear in the hall greeted as if you recognize) of love (a few) and the rest (a lot).
The return to work was not traumatic for the mere fact that I do not think it has ever been home on vacation, so that ...
My adventure today was to bring him to the vet for animalazzi antirabica puncture, also required this and next year. (So \u200b\u200bfor the uninitiated, last year was aided in recent years dall'ussl while it is not, so I explained the veterinary-but that dog is that?)
The doctor is well known simply because the first time that I've brought the furry little pinprick to do is put him to scream and growl as if against the Dr was covered in cat hairy blow. After seeing the teeth of my 50 pound German shepherd has a heavy tax back that I thought would end up inside the manhole to 10 feet away and says: What kind of dog is that?!? But
I say, has four legs, two ears, a little 'fur here and there and how well can see the teeth. Will not it be a dog than normal, with only injection on fear?
So he never visited and never touched, and I asked her politely to hole up in the clinic (because she had gone out into the street to watch it) if he wanted to both arms. Today
same story, and unfortunately the same sentence. At the end is always my dad while I distracted him with magic tricks, he's the syringe plant your ass off and you're done!
But what a nightmare ... I have not an unsociable dog like me?
If I could throw stones at the veterinarian who has traumatized as a puppy I would very happy. Those who can not do the job that maybe we should change it. However
arms still there I have both, smell a bit 'but there is a solution, soap and water are miracles. For the rest of the other dog, Kila, a tapparotta of 11 pounds (even the doctor was amazed), I ran away from the collar and made the rounds of all those who were sitting, waiting, asking for cuddles and playing with others dogs. Just the same character of the monster. And in January, another round another race!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Lab 8 Population Genetics And Evolution Answere

cream with braids and pierced the cloak

Here are the tools of the cape to the previous post finally over! The yarn is the Grignasco knits, merino gold cream, and the pattern was the magazine's August Mani di Fata (should it be a cloak for between seasons, but I'm going to wear it even on winter sweaters). The points used are different perforated diamond pattern, with braided pigtails and pierced, tiny braids, rice grain, knit, and I used to assemble the hook. Compared to the magazine I have changed slightly, to be able to make smaller (in fact there were sizes 42 and 44) \u200b\u200band to ensure that no "appendesse" once worn on me. I then deleted the points here and there to knit and grain of rice.
is the result:

Monday, December 20, 2010

Accurate Compatibility Charts

grows ...

now very little missing here is the picture just taken at my cloak grilled cream, made with the yarn (Grignasco MerinoGold) and the pattern taken by the magazine's August Mani di Fata! I had abandoned for a while, but in these last two days I finished the back and now I am finishing my neck (also in braids).

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Reverse Belly Navel Rings

Love demands everything, and has the right to do so.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Does Costco Accept Ebt

Damn ... immediately spits out all the sheep of the crib that you ate last night! è_é

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Blister On Baby's Penis

Sweets discoveries

This initiative I liked it a lot because it reflects exactly what for me is the spirit nataliazio.
I arrived by chance in a beautiful blog and follow very closely indeed:)
are no practical links and banners and everything, I'm learning a little 'time to have patience, (it's already figured out how much I put in writing flowing ..) so we stuck here what seems to be the picture that represents the initiative referred to earlier letters on christmas:)
the blog in question was that of Eva Q
http://lapecoraneradievaq.blogspot .com/2010/12/caro-babbo-natale.html? utm_source feedburner & utm_medium = = = Feed Feed & utm_campaign LaPecoraNeraAltriSogni% 3A + +% 28la + Black + Sheep +% 26 + others + dreams% 29

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Rubber Threshold Shower Door Parts

E 'true: to spend and buy something good for morale. Even better is knowing that I send you done good. I'm glad of my Christmas presents, I would like to do more, as usual.
I already imagine my mom's face when the letter will arrive by UNICEF with written explanation of what is his gift. Given the love for children and the suffering that I see them in the eye to horrific scenes such as starvation and disease, I'm sure will be glad of the assistance given.
And now we think that for my sister, and animal protection Throw sites:)

Average Price Of New Condo In Kelowna In 2009


Friday 17th! Party @ getColor!

Superstition we like, but we like to challenge you more! We do not stop in front of the coincidence of the calendar on the contrary make us think that the chances originated and developed around the Benaco. Right here on the side of Brescia, a few km away from countries of each other come the guests seemingly antithetical getColor 2.2: LOW FREQUENCY CLUB and Oedipus.

After publication in the spring of Johnny Come Home single, a cover of the famous passage of the Fine Young Cannibals LOW FREQUENCY CLUB , Giorgi (bass, sampler and vocals), Bonito (drums, sampler) and Yoky (vocals, guitar and keyboards ), fresh out of the album WEST COAST (November 5, Foolica Records) (all of us there is a west coast!) arrives in Mantua with a load of good reviews from professional journals to fashion blogs, which show the rating for a disk that was created to be played on all the western coasts of the world where there is a party! The colors are bright and acidic, there are funk rhythms, palpitations of hypnotic synth bass lines and sounds ostentatious house near DFA (LCD Soundsystem,!) That are mixed with the analog sound of the guitar with some grunge ancestry, to get pretty aggressive and synthetic melodies on a journey that spans parallel worlds apparently.

The atmosphere will be heated by the first exhibition in the city of OEDIPUS , pseudonym chosen by Fausto Zanardelli to give life to his latest musical, they're right MICE, composed of 10 songs written, arranged, played, recorded and mixed by Fausto himself taking as reference the best songwriting and smart and ironic Battiato Camerini going to get from Bluvertigo Bugo and Tricarico. Pampered by the critics, is among the best examples of pop in Italian!

To follow, to keep the temperature high, DJing for Holiday in Arabia: exotic post punk ambient sauce! The duo's self-titled EP
Mantua is enjoying great success by critics and audiences.

Stay with us!

Arci Tom, Tom Piazza Benetollo 1, Mantova.
Friday 'opening
December 17, 2010 at 22.00, concert starts 23.00 €
Input 3 ARCI membership card +

Play WEST COAST of Low Frequency Club here:

Play MICE HAVE REASON of Oedipus here:

You can see the new video for the song Oedipus To make a table on DeejayTV and MTV Brand: NEW.

Here's video of Johnny Come Home Low Frequency Club :

Here the video E 'trivial Sick of Oedipus :

Here LIVE PROMO of Low Frequency Club :

Friday, December 10, 2010

Diferencia Entre Quadriderm Y Quadriderm Nf

an old, very affectionate scarf ^ ^

And here comes the pictures (taken just yesterday) of my very first scarf, on which I learned to work the grill. Needless to say as there are loyal! It took a lot to do it, and not only for the length! I went with a dear friend of mine to choose balls in the center, so patiently and she (always been Zuccona!) Taught me the basics of right / wrong .. What memories! Will which are far from home, but sometimes I get a little nostalgic ... : P

Monday, December 6, 2010

Macgregor 26 Victoria

Carrot amigurumi, my first scheme invented ^___^

Here I show you my Miss Carrot (Carrot giant)! I created this amigurumi free pattern, with bad yarn and crochet a bad, bought a 100 yen shop here in Japan, but it is a nice young lady and embarrassed at being presented here in front of everyone = ^___^=

soon (when I get a little more time) the pattern of free puppet ...

Reflux Esophagitis More Condition_symptoms

Zuccotto, my amigurumi contest for Halloween ^ ^

's the little Zuccotto created for the Halloween contest (yes, I know that we are in December, but time flies here ^^'')!