Monday, December 27, 2010

Free Skin Windows Blind :wba

Ringhio and Tapparotta

Oooh we're back from holidays, no, for many are far from over, I will limit myself to just celebrate Christmas and Boxing Day and then back to work, and even more than before.
Two days of family, relatives (even those who never see you and suddenly appear in the hall greeted as if you recognize) of love (a few) and the rest (a lot).
The return to work was not traumatic for the mere fact that I do not think it has ever been home on vacation, so that ...
My adventure today was to bring him to the vet for animalazzi antirabica puncture, also required this and next year. (So \u200b\u200bfor the uninitiated, last year was aided in recent years dall'ussl while it is not, so I explained the veterinary-but that dog is that?)
The doctor is well known simply because the first time that I've brought the furry little pinprick to do is put him to scream and growl as if against the Dr was covered in cat hairy blow. After seeing the teeth of my 50 pound German shepherd has a heavy tax back that I thought would end up inside the manhole to 10 feet away and says: What kind of dog is that?!? But
I say, has four legs, two ears, a little 'fur here and there and how well can see the teeth. Will not it be a dog than normal, with only injection on fear?
So he never visited and never touched, and I asked her politely to hole up in the clinic (because she had gone out into the street to watch it) if he wanted to both arms. Today
same story, and unfortunately the same sentence. At the end is always my dad while I distracted him with magic tricks, he's the syringe plant your ass off and you're done!
But what a nightmare ... I have not an unsociable dog like me?
If I could throw stones at the veterinarian who has traumatized as a puppy I would very happy. Those who can not do the job that maybe we should change it. However
arms still there I have both, smell a bit 'but there is a solution, soap and water are miracles. For the rest of the other dog, Kila, a tapparotta of 11 pounds (even the doctor was amazed), I ran away from the collar and made the rounds of all those who were sitting, waiting, asking for cuddles and playing with others dogs. Just the same character of the monster. And in January, another round another race!


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