Friday 17th! Party @ getColor!
Superstition we like, but we like to challenge you more! We do not stop in front of the coincidence of the calendar on the contrary make us think that the chances originated and developed around the Benaco. Right here on the side of Brescia, a few km away from countries of each other come the guests seemingly antithetical getColor 2.2: LOW FREQUENCY CLUB and Oedipus.
After publication in the spring of Johnny Come Home single, a cover of the famous passage of the Fine Young Cannibals LOW FREQUENCY CLUB , Giorgi (bass, sampler and vocals), Bonito (drums, sampler) and Yoky (vocals, guitar and keyboards ), fresh out of the album WEST COAST (November 5, Foolica Records) (all of us there is a west coast!) arrives in Mantua with a load of good reviews from professional journals to fashion blogs, which show the rating for a disk that was created to be played on all the western coasts of the world where there is a party! The colors are bright and acidic, there are funk rhythms, palpitations of hypnotic synth bass lines and sounds ostentatious house near DFA (LCD Soundsystem,!) That are mixed with the analog sound of the guitar with some grunge ancestry, to get pretty aggressive and synthetic melodies on a journey that spans parallel worlds apparently.
The atmosphere will be heated by the first exhibition in the city of OEDIPUS , pseudonym chosen by Fausto Zanardelli to give life to his latest musical, they're right MICE, composed of 10 songs written, arranged, played, recorded and mixed by Fausto himself taking as reference the best songwriting and smart and ironic Battiato Camerini going to get from Bluvertigo Bugo and Tricarico. Pampered by the critics, is among the best examples of pop in Italian!
To follow, to keep the temperature high, DJing for Holiday in Arabia: exotic post punk ambient sauce! The duo's self-titled EP
Mantua is enjoying great success by critics and audiences.
Stay with us!
Arci Tom, Tom Piazza Benetollo 1, Mantova.
Friday 'opening
December 17, 2010 at 22.00, concert starts 23.00 €
Input 3 ARCI membership card +
Play WEST COAST of Low Frequency Club here:
Play MICE HAVE REASON of Oedipus here:
You can see the new video for the song Oedipus To make a table on DeejayTV and MTV Brand: NEW.
Here's video of Johnny Come Home Low Frequency Club :
Here the video E 'trivial Sick of Oedipus :
Here LIVE PROMO of Low Frequency Club :
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